金嗓行動伴唱機SuperSong700Golden Voice行動ktv卡拉ok移動式點歌機伴唱機CHYIHONG金嗓伴唱機經銷商歡迎來店試聽買貴告訴我 便宜告訴朋友 #金嗓行動式伴唱機
金嗓行動伴唱機SuperSong700Golden Voice行動ktv卡拉ok移動式點歌機伴唱機CHYIHONG金嗓伴唱機經銷商歡迎來店試聽買貴告訴我 便宜告訴朋友
奇摩購物: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/Y5976206097
蝦皮拍賣: https://shopee.tw/bighony
奇宏音響官網: https://www.chyihong.com
來店試聽: https://goo.gl/maps/37pRBxdFa6u
新北市新莊區中正路700號 (特力屋南行200公尺)
電話: +886-2-2903 7766
行動電話:0935 920 881
• 內建藍牙雙向模組,是點歌機同時也能當音響。
• 可外接大螢幕or喇叭等影音設備,放大享受視覺聽覺雙重饗宴。(支援雙屏異顯)
• Android平台架構,擁有專屬應用商店,使用體驗更多元。
• 智選線上影音程式人聲消除。
• 內建錄音功能,美好歌聲一機全錄。
• 支援多國語言界面,接軌國際無設限。
• 手機/平板下載「金秘書」APP,變身為遙控器,多人歡唱無障礙。
• 行動式伴唱機領導品牌煥新回歸。
• 功率加大,體積不變
Music New Wave
Freedom Unleashed
Golden Voice Super Song700
Entertainment Multimedia Portable Karaoke Machine
Trend Revolution, Freedom of Expression.
Fully upgraded. A new realm of karaoke entertainment.
Trend Revolution, Freedom of Expression.
Performance Boost, Aiming for Excellence
• Same size, enhanced output power, wider sound transmission range, improved outdoor singing experience.
• Optimized wireless microphone transmission range, allowing voice-controlled song selection directly from the mic. Dynamic microphone design with intelligent noise reduction ensures a clear and interference-free singing experience.
Break the Mold, Defy Tradition
• Built-in Bluetooth bi-directional module. It’s both a karaoke machine and a speaker.
• Supports external connections to large screens or speakers, amplifying the visual and auditory experience (supports dual-screen display).
Stay Current, Innovate and Liberate
• Android-based platform with an exclusive app store for a more versatile user experience.
• Intelligent vocal removal for online media programs.
• Built-in recording function captures your beautiful singing all in one device.
• Supports multi-language interfaces, seamlessly connecting with the world.
Control Freely, Operate Effortlessly
• 10.1-inch tablet touch screen with a new UI for easier, more intuitive operation.
• Download the “Gold Secretary” app on your phone/tablet to transform it into a remote control for hassle-free group singing.
Sleek White Streamlined Design
• Conveys a new generation’s sense of freedom, vitality, and trendiness.
Lightweight and Portable
• Weighing only 6.5kg, with a premium leather carrying handle. All-in-one functionality in a portable design.
The King of Its Class
• A leader in portable karaoke machines returns, launching the fifth-generation SuperSong series. Since 2017, through four previous generations, it has sold tens of thousands of units.
Upgraded Outdoor Listening Experience
• Increased power without enlarging the size.
The sharp contrast between its compact size and powerful sound output delivers a wide and clear audio experience.
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網址 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m1iC2BhuMk |
Phone | 0935 920 881 |
地址 | 新北市新莊區中正路700號 |
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